Pathchoice Energy Consulting

We've got the tools

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energy questions

emerging trends


intelligent choices

superior results
Energy management is an ongoing challenge, especially in difficult economic times where a focused, disciplined approach is essential.

To be actionable, energy opportunities need to make both technical and business sense.

It pays to outsource some energy work to professionals who know the Canadian markets and can find the best solutions for your company.
Project Type Industry Role Date
 Conservation Potential Govt. Agencies  Review and advise on achievable conservation goals  2018-19
 Energy Mgmt Pulp & Paper  Review steam and thermal generation systems; do M&V on projects  Ongoing
 Energy Mgmt  Mining  Develop energy management plans and performance tracking system  Ongoing
 Energy Mgmt  Cement  Identify thermal and electrical saving opportunities in aggregates facilities  2015
 Procurement  Cogeneration  Pre-qualify suppliers and select water treatment equipment  2014
 Energy Mgmt  Forest Products  Develop an Energy Management Plan for (OPA IEI) program  2014
 Commissioning  Cogeneration  Commission a 15 MW biomass cogeneration plant (OPA CHP-III)  2014
 Energy Mgmt  Cement  Identify energy cost saving opportunities  2013-14
 Cogeneration  Forest Products  Financial analysis of cogen opportunity and technical support to project team  2012-13
 Energy Mgmt  Pulp & Paper  Develop energy management plans for (NIER) program  2011-12
 Energy Mgmt  Mining  Develop energy management plans for (NIER) program  2011-12
 Energy Mgmt  Mining  Evaluate energy management plans for (NIER) program  2011
 Cogeneration  Primary Steel  Equipment selection, project support, control optimization (OPA CHP-I)  2008-09
 Demand Response  Various  Identify opportunities for clients to participate in DR programs  Ongoing
 Survey  OPA  Survey potential for industrial DR in Ontario & provided recommendations  2008
 Survey  Universities  Survey energy use on university campuses in Ontario  2008
 Conservation  OPA  Promote industrial efficiency programs among industrial clients  2008
 Government Relations  Forest Products  Advise three forest product clients on GR strategies relating to energy  2008-09
 Government Relations  Industry Assoc  Provide expertise on CDM and CHP to prepare for regulatory interventions  2008
 Information Systems  Various  Develop software tools to assess risk/reward of DR program participation  2009
 Energy Mgmt  Primary Steel  Evaluate IT systems, equipment retrofits, and operational improvements  2008
 Information Systems  Mining  Evaluate existing energy IT systems and recommended improvements  2007
 Procurement  LDC  Organize and execute RFP for major equipment - landfill gas generation  2008
 Information Systems  Pulp & Paper  Develop functional specs for IT systems for steam, fuels, and electricity  2007
 Procurement  Pulp & Paper  Developed purchasing specs and hedging alternatives for electricity supply  2007
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